Here on the community page you ail find links to a number of interesting site of friends, artists, businesses, campaigns and much like, or, not like depending on your tastes.
Shed Jewellery - "shed" because that is my creative space - in the shed overlooking the garden. The countryside in Devon and Cornwall is my inspiration, there is always somewhere new and different to find and explore. Creating jewellery is like that for me - its about exploring different colours, shapes and textures. Creativity is about being outside, its about nature and natural things. Rich earthy colours, textures and shapes. I am passionate about jewellery, I love making big statement pieces that make an impact. I use carefully selected gemstones and I also use upcycled beads I rarely make two items the same, so that people who buy from me will get something original, different and very special.
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Ellie’s Diary
From the North Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty we bring you the best milk, cheese and meat. Traditional responsible and ethical farming means free range access to grazing with all feed, including hay from our own ancient meadows, GM and chemical-free and blended by us. We know the name and personality of every single member of our pedigree herd of happy healthy goats. We love - and thoroughly spoil – every one of them, male and female alike.
Who we are
This is a site for the more liberally inclined, but not stupidly so. If you are offended by this statement, then it is probably not for you!
Contact us
What we do
We don't believe in the PC Society, we believe in respecting people. Except those that we do not respect.

Let people be, unless they won't let you be!